How to Ensure You'll Commit to Getting Fit - This is the Life! - Build the Life of Your Dreams

How to Ensure You'll Commit to Getting Fit

January 09, 2016

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After Christmas and all the festivities, the most common New Year's resolution is to become fit and finally take physical exercise seriously.

We usually start out strong because of the guilt we feel for eating so much during the holiday season, but those plans quickly die out, once our hectic schedules come back and our laziness comes with it.

So, how can you make sure that you commit to working out this time?


Exercising is not a punishment for the extra weight you might have put on this year. 

And even if you're skinny or at a healthy weight, working out is one of the most important things to integrate into your schedule, as it is vital to being healthy and having more energy to go about your day.

It's also a great way to get your mind off everything.

If you're really serious about living life to the fullest starting this year, then you'll need lots and lots of energy!


If you're not used to working out regularly, start slow.

This will give your body some time to adjust to your new regimen. 

If you start out too aggressively, you will probably be really sore and you won't enjoy it - two less than pleasant factors which will make you less likely to keep at it!


If you look at exercising as another task you have to complete, you'll be more focused on actually getting it done and you won't forget you had planned to exercise on that day.

And don't schedule anything else for that hour - it's exercise time!!

If you want to make your own schedule right now, you can download my free printable weekly planner here:


If you enroll at a gym, don't be shy and go try various classes to find out what you like. Classes are usually more fun because you're in a group. You might even make some friends!

However, if you don't want to enroll at a gym, then try to do an activity or try out a sport that you think will be fun for you.

You'll be more likely to stick to it if you actually enjoy it.


If you make a commitment with someone else and you make plans to meet to exercise, you'll be less likely to slack off on exercising.

Exercising with a friend is much more fun than alone and you feel like you're in it together. 

You will also feel bad for cancelling on them last minute if you make plans so a friend helps to keep you from flaking.


You need to be disciplined but hopefully, you've applied the previous tips and it won't be so hard to stick to your exercise schedule.

If you're worried about getting bored with your exercise routine, try to change it up often. You can go to the gym one day, then go run or do some other activity another day, and so on.

If you add variety or a fun element to it, you won't look at it as a boring task.

It can even become a fun plan or a good excuse to gather your friends! Why not invite them to play volleyball at the beach or the park?

Be healthy and enjoy living life to the fullest with all of your newfound energy!

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